Diving in the Arctic Ocean, photos of the world freediving champion

Five-time world freediving champion Arthur Guerin-Boeri, a French national, swims in the Arctic Ocean in the North Arctic Circle on the island of Spildra.

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Swimming in the Arctic Ocean
Five-time world freediving champion Frenchman Arthur Guerin-Boeri swims in the Arctic Ocean in the northern Arctic Circle.
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Swimming next to a killer whale
Five-time world freediving champion Frenchman Arthur Guerin-Boeri swims alongside a killer whale in the Arctic Ocean, in the North Arctic Circle, near the island of Spildra.
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The Arctic Atlantic Ocean is +3°C while the air temperature is -4C at this time of year during polar nights.
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Arthur Guerin-Boeri
Born in Nice in 1984, Arthur Guerin-Boeri is a French freediving champion and a specialist in dynamic freediving.
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Current records
Guerin-Boeri is the only French athlete to have accumulated 2 world titles in the same season and the first French athlete to hold World Championship titles in both indoor and outdoor settings.
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Resurfacing after encountering killer whales
Five-time world freediving champion Frenchman Arthur Guerin-Boeri resurfaces after diving deep to spot killer whales.
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