Cat tattooed by criminals in  Mexican prison is looking for a home

This is the story of a cat who was subjected to terrible abuse while in a Mexican prison, where he was tattooed by inmates.

News of the rescue, which took place on February 21, was spread on online channels around the world.

Without anesthesia, he was tattooed with cruel and painful designs. Fortunately, this cat was rescued and is now at a local animal shelter, where he is receiving the necessary care and love he deserves.

Now, thanks to its new life, it is looking for a new home, where it can finally receive the warmth of a loving family. (Source:

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Cat tattooed by criminals in Mexican prison is looking for a home
This is the story of a cat who was subjected to terrible abuse while in a Mexican prison, where he was tattooed by inmates. (Source:
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On February 21, it was rescued
News of the rescue, which took place on February 21, was spread on online channels around the world. The event took place in Mexico, in the Ciudad Juárez prison.
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Cruelly tattooed by a gang of criminals
Cruelly mistreating this cat were some inmates of the prison: a criminal group including members of a notorious and bloody nationalist criminal gang.
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Made in Mexico
Without anesthesia, it was tattooed with cruel and painful designs. One of the tattoos bears the words "Made in Mexico".
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Perfect condition
The cat, Sphynx breed, is fortunately in perfect condition, with no more infections or open lesions.
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It is now safe
After being rescued, this sweet cat is currently at a local animal shelter, where it is receiving the necessary care and love it deserves.
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She is looking for a new home
Now, thanks to its new life, it is looking for a new home where it can finally receive the warmth of a loving family.
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Local authorities and all those who cared for the animal ask that it now be given to a family that is willing to take it in with love and provide it with the care and attention it needs.
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