Fragments of meteor that fell in Italy found on a balcony, photos

On the evening of Feb. 14, a meteor crossed the skies of Puglia and Basilicata (Italy).

The Prisma observatory, which monitors meteors and the atmosphere, reported that fragments of the meteor have now been found on the balcony of a house in Matera. The meteor, estimated to weigh about 400/500 grams, reportedly fell at a speed of about 300 kilometers per hour.

At present, 12 fragments weighing a total of 70 grams have been recovered. The impact of the meteor on the balcony splintered a tile very noticeably.

The meteor that crossed the skies of southern Italy.
On the evening of Feb. 14, around 7 p.m., a meteor crossed the skies of Puglia and Basilicata (southern Italy).
The fall on the balcony of a house
The observatory Prisma, which monitors meteors and the atmosphere, reported that fragments of the meteor have now been found on the balcony of a house at Matera. The meteor, estimated to weigh about 400/500 grams, reportedly fell at a speed of about 300 kilometers per hour.
The recovered fragments
At present, 12 fragments weighing a total of 70 grams have been recovered. The impact of the meteorite on the balcony splintered a tile very noticeably. Pictured is the circumscribed area that would have been affected by the meteor fall.
The impact splintered a tile on the balcony
The photo shows the balcony tile that was chipped due to the meteor's violent fall.
Photos of the recovered fragments
The photo published by ANSA news agency shows more fragments of the meteor that fell on a balcony of a house in Matera.
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