An island becomes walkable due to drought, photos

Drought is beginning to hit northern Italy hard. The island of San Biagio, known as the rabbit island of Manerba (province of Brescia), has become walkable precisely because of the prolonged absence of rain.

The island can currently be reached on foot, across an isthmus that has become a kind of footbridge for the hundreds of people who are making their way there. A pilgrimage so impressive that the municipality of Manerba has been forced to remedy it, in the hope of limiting the flow of tourists and onlookers who are making their way to the site.

Indeed, the island needs to be protected from all those who are abandoning garbage or are damaging the vegetation, tearing up flowers and plants.

Drought hits northern Italy
Drought is beginning to hit northern Italy hard. The island of San Biagio, known as the rabbit island of Manerba (province of Brescia), has become walkable precisely because of the prolonged absence of rain.
The rabbit island of Manerba can be reached on foot
The island is currently accessible by foot, across an isthmus that has become a sort of footbridge for the hundreds of people who are making their way to the site.
Hundreds of people are walking to the island
A pilgrimage so massive that the municipality of Manerba has been forced to remedy it, hoping to limit the flow of tourists and onlookers who are making their way to the site.
The intervention of the municipality of Manerba
In fact, the island must be protected from all those who are abandoning garbage or damaging the vegetation, tearing up flowers and plants.
Manerba's rabbit island stormed by onlookers
An image of the hundreds of people walking to the Rabbit Island in Manerba.
Drought and the consequences it causes
An aerial photo of Manerba Rabbit Island.
Drought and the consequences it causes
An aerial photo of Manerba Rabbit Island.
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