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Despicable act in Poland: desecreted the monument to Pope John Paul II 

Vandalism in Lodz, Poland, against the monument of Pope John Paul II. On the anniversary of his death last night, unknown persons desecrated the monument with red and yellow paint.

The statue to Wojtyla stands in front of the local cathedral. Written on the pedestal there is "Maxima Culpa"; the reference is to the title of a book recently written by a Dutch journalist Ekke Overbeek, in which the supreme pontiff is accused of covering up the abuse of minors in his diocese at the time when he was still cardinal of Krakow.

Poland's foreign minister, Zbigniew Rau, visited the sculpture in the morning and called the incident a "despicable act."

photo Ansa
We are in Lodz (Poland)
Act of vandalism against Pope John Paul II. On the night of the anniversary of his death (2 April 2023), unknown persons desecrated the monument dedicated to the Pope with red and yellow paint. The sculpture is located in front of the cathedral in Lodz, Poland, and on the pedestal was written 'Maxima Culpa', a reference to a book accusing the Supreme Pontiff of covering up child abuse in his diocese.
photo Ansa
The reaction of the authorities
Poland's foreign minister visited the sculpture to condemn the incident, calling it a "despicable act." The Archbishop of Lodz invoked the memory of Pope John Paul II, saying he would pray for the perpetrators. Thousands of people across Poland participated in marches and religious ceremonies in defense of the late pope.
photo Ansa
Celebrations for the 18th anniversary of the death
Several celebrations were held in the Vatican in memory of John Paul II. Flowers were laid on his tomb in St. Peter's Basilica as a tribute by the Polish government. Moments of prayer and masses were held in many cities in Poland to remember the late Pope and condemn the vandalism.
photo Ansa
The accusatory book
Reference to the book "Maxima Culpa" has increased the controversy around the figure of Pope John Paul II. The publication, written by a Dutch journalist, accuses the supreme pontiff of covering up child abuse in his diocese when he was still cardinal of Krakow. The book has sparked controversy and criticism, but also defenses from those who believe the figure of John Paul II has been misrepresented.
photo Ansa
The memory of a beloved pope
Despite the accusations and controversies, John Paul II remains one of the most beloved popes in the history of the Catholic Church. His pontificate was one of the longest, lasting almost 27 years, and he is remembered above all for his defence of human rights and world peace. His figure continues to be a reference point for millions of people all over the world.
photo Ansa
John Paul II statue covered in paint splatters
Poland's Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau lays flowers at the foot of the paint-spattered statue of John Paul II in front of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica in Lodz, Poland, April 2, 2023.
photo Ansa
The statue of John Paul II covered in paint splatters in front of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica in Lodz, Poland, April 2, 2023.
photo Ansa
The statue of John Paul II covered in paint splatters in front of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica in Lodz, Poland, April 2, 2023.
photo Ansa
The statue of John Paul II covered in paint splatters in front of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica in Lodz, Poland, April 2, 2023.
photo Ansa
The statue of John Paul II covered in paint splatters in front of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica in Lodz, Poland, April 2, 2023.
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