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7200 euros per child to move the family from Tokyo, the idea of Japan not to "grow old"

Japan no longer wants to be a "country for old people" and launches a new incentive plan to revitalize the birth rate and repopulate declining towns and villages.

The government will offer 1 million yen (about 7,200 euros) per child to families who leave Tokyo to move to other regions.

The incentive will be in force from April and has been significantly increased compared to the 300 thousand yen (just over two thousand euros) previously offered.

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Japan doesn't want to grow old
Japan no longer wants to be a "country for old people" and launches a new incentive plan to revitalize the birth rate and repopulate declining towns and villages. The government will offer 1 million yen (about 7,200 euros) per child to families who leave Tokyo to move to other regions.
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Where the idea came from
The idea of the Japanese government is to reduce the population density of the city and encourage people to start a new life in areas considered "old-fashioned" in the country and fiercely affected by the aging of the inhabitants.
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Who receives the incentive
Payment will be offered to families living in Tokyo's 23 special wards and nearby prefectures in Saitama, Chiba and Kanagawa. To receive benefits, families must move outside the greater metropolitan area of Tokyo, or to mountainous areas that lie within the city limits.
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The hope of the Japanese government
The Japanese government hopes that the generous offer will encourage families with children up to 18 years old to revitalize the regions and ease pressure on space and public services in Tokyo, one of the world's largest metropolises, with a population of about 35 million people.
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Many people over 100 years old
In 2021, the number of births in Japan was 811,604, the lowest since records were first kept in 1899. In contrast, the number of centenarians is over 90,500, up from only 153 in 1963.
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