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Borg, DIY alcoholic drink is dangerous but popular among young people

A new trend is all the rage on TikTok, but it is very dangerous. A homemade drink that immediately went viral. An acronym for "blackout rage gallon", it has been dubbed the blackout drink. On TikTok dozens of kids are posting videos with instructions on how to make it.

The alcoholic concoction is based on alcol, electrolytes and flavorings. And after as many as 28 students at the University of Massachusetts ended up in the hospital, the university was forced to issue an alert.

The risk of consuming the drink is primarily related to the illusion of feeling less and less the need to drink water and thus hydrate.

photo TikTok
It is called Borg
In the US, a homemade drink has gone viral. It is called Borg, short for 'blackout rage gallon', and has been dubbed as the blackout drink. On TikTok dozens of guys post videos with instructions on how to make it.
photo TikTok
A dangerous drink
The alcoholic concoction is based on alcohol, electrolytes and flavorings. And after as many as 28 students at the University of Massachusetts ended up in the hospital, the university was forced to raise the alarm.
photo TikTok
Something went wrong
The boys were seen carrying plastic kegs full of the ingredients that various online tutorials indicate were essential to create the drink. They were all hospitalised for alcohol intoxication, but no one's life is in danger.
photo TikTok
Why is it a dangerous drink 
The risk of consuming the drink is first and foremost related to the illusion of feeling less and less the need to drink water and thus hydrate, despite the significant amount of alcohol in drink.
photo TikTok
The words of the expert
George F. Koob, director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, explained to Abc that the sensation is primarily related to the ingredients: 'Flavourings and even caffeine can mask some of the effects of alcohol and so you don't realise how much you've drunk'. On TikTok there are those who promote Borg as an alcoholic but healthy drink. A misunderstood message according to Koob who explains: 'In the end no matter how you take it, you will get intoxicated and the alcohol will still have its effects'.
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