Five of Europe's best breweries

After a hard day's work, there's nothing better than meeting in a beer hall with friends, don't you agree? Some of these breweries, especially in Europe, are very old, and have now become real points of interest for tourists

The home of breweries is Munich, at least in the general imagination, but there is not only Germany, as we will soon discover.

From Prague to New York to Dublin, we want to show you the five most beautiful and famous breweries in the world.

Jamie Lantzy -
Delirium Pub - Brussels
2500 beers from over 60 countries. This makes the Deliriumunmissable, in addition to thebirra Delirium Tremens, which has as its symbol a pink elephant, also decoration of the entrance of the  exercise.
McSorley’s Old Ale House - New York
The oldest Irish brewery in New York. This would be enough to make this place one of the most important in the world. Opened in the mid-nineteenth century at 15 East 7th Street, in today's East Village neighborhood of Manhattan, it was one of the last "men-only" pubs and admitted women only after being required by law to do so in 1970.
Hofbräuhaus - Munich
If you go to visit Munich you can't at least enter this place. Huge, chaotic, noisy, smell of beer, sausage and people all around. Classic Bavarian brewery, the place is huge, so much so that it can host a village festival. And the beer... unmissable.
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U Supa - Prague
It is the oldest pub in Prague, nationalized after the Second World War (before it was family-run). As in the classic breweries, long wooden tables are shared, for a total of 1200 seats.
Temple Bar - Dublino
Impossible, immoral, illegal, passing through Dublin and not seeing the Temple Bar, would be a real waste, if you like beer. Temple Bar is actually a district of the Irish city, full of pubs, shops and restaurants.
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