A man hasn't worn shoes for 20 years and his life has improved

Joseph DeRuvo jr began walking around barefoot in 2002. At first it was a health problem, but then, he says, "I found that my life got better."

In 2002 Joseph DeRuvo jr, a photographer and pilates instructor, took off his shoes. And he never put them back on his feet.

And so, for two decades and more, DeRuvo, 59, walked, shopped, went to work and to restaurants barefoot. "At first," he told , "it was a health-related choice, as I suffer from a malformation in my toes that causes an imbalance in my weight distribution. So taking off the shoes was a relief."

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A man hasn't worn shoes for 20 years and his life has improved, the story
The story of a 59-year-old American man who for the past 20 years has decided, first because of health problems and then also as a spiritual choice, not to wear shoes.
Instagram @2old4disss
In 2002 Joseph DeRuvo jr, a photographer and pilates instructor, took off his shoes. And he never put them back on his feet.
In an interview with New York Times he said, "In the beginning I decided to give up shoes because of severe pain in my big toes, which have a large bulge at the base and aggressively protrude toward my little toes diagonally." After a short time, Joseph realized, with some surprise, that going barefoot was having a beneficial effect on his life.
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A stronger body
"I simply started walking around without wearing anything on my feet," he said. With the imaginable consequences: he was stopped in a shopping center, pointed at him in front of cafes, not to mention restaurants. At first DeRuvo tried to explain the reasons for that choice, but then he let it go.
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His choice
In the interview with New York Times he said, "Most people are convinced that my feet are sick, but they don't know that over time they have become stronger. I have learned that parts of our physique can become surprisingly strong, and even my doctor states that my ankles are stronger than average."
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His life without shoes
DeRuvo decided to take all the risks involved by not wearing shoes, but has found a way to perform any activity safely. A builder by profession, he has a workshop, in his home garage, where he makes tools for sports activities. Only while welding does he cover his feet (with loafers) to defend them from sparks. In case he steps on anything sharp, he carries a sunglass case full of tweezers to remove splinters.
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