Canada on its knees from wildfires: Montreal world's most polluted city

Canada continues to burn, with fires that have been raging for weeks now. Huge swathes of Canadian territory are still in the grip of the flames, with more than 27 fires currently still out of control among the 81 total that are ravaging the country.

Local authorities are advising people to go out only with a mask, and many public events that were to take place in the state have also been cancelled, such as the Ironman in Mont-Tremblant, a hundred kilometres north of Montreal, and the mixed relay of the World Triathlon Championship Series in Montreal's Old Port.

Montreal these days holds the sad record of the most polluted city in the world, according to Iqair, a Swiss company specialising in the study of air pollutants.

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Fire emergency ravages Canada
Canada continues to burn, with wildfires now lasting for weeks. Huge portions of Canadian territory are still in the grip of the flames, with more than 27 fires currently still out of control among the 81 total that are ravaging the country.
Authorities recommend alertness
Local authorities recommended to go out only with a mask, and many public events that were to take place in the state were also cancelled, such as the Ironman in Mont-Tremblant, a hundred kilometres north of Montreal, and the mixed relay of the World Triathlon Championship Series in Montreal's Old Port.
Montreal most polluted city in the world
Montreal itself these days holds the sad record of the most polluted city in the world, according to Iqair, a Swiss company specialising in the study of air pollutants.
The words of the authorities
Luc Rabouin, mayor of the Plateau-Mont-Royal district in Montreal, said: 'The Emergency Measures Coordination Committee is asking us to close swimming pools, paddling pools and outdoor sports areas until at least next week.
Soon the arrival of the rain
There are 81 active forest fires in the Quebec region, 27 of which are considered to be completely out of control. A large number of fires continued over the weekend, due to dry weather and high temperatures. According to the Société de protection des forêts contre le feu du Québec (Sopfeu), 'the amount of smoke is making it particularly difficult for tankers and helicopters to intervene,' but, fortunately, 'significant amounts' of rain are expected in the northwest of the province on Monday or Tuesday.
The help of French colleagues
On Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 119 French firefighters arrived in Quebec to relieve their colleagues who have been on site since the beginning of June. Stéphane Caron, Sopfeu's prevention and communication coordinator, explains that: "The mission of the first contingent of French firefighters is coming to an end. They left for France on 28 June and a second contingent took over the same day'.
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