Guess what this bicycle is made of: they look like cherries, but they are not

Thousands of people gathered in Santiago de Chile's Parque O'Higgins on Saturday, 27 May 2023, to break the Guinness World Record for the largest human bicycle ever created.

The governor of the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Claudio Orrego, delighted an enthusiastic crowd of about 2,000 people at Parque O'Higgins. The attempt to beat the Guinness World Record, which has yet to be validated, served as a catalyst for a campaign to promote the use of bicycles as the best means of transport in the Santiago region.

However, the goal was to assemble a group of at least 3,000 participants to break the current record, held by Russia, where a human bicycle of 2,620 people was formed in front of St Basil's Cathedral in Moscow in 2019.

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Record for the largest human bicycle is attempted in Chile
Thousands of people gathered in Santiago de Chile's O'Higgins Park on Saturday, 27 May 2023, to break the Guinness World Record for the largest human bicycle ever created.
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A record promoter of green mobility
The governor of the Santiago Metropolitan Region, Claudio Orrego, delighted an enthusiastic crowd of around 2,000 people at Parque O'Higgins. The attempt to beat the Guinness World Record, which has yet to be validated, served as a catalyst for a campaign to promote the use of bicycles as the best means of transport in the Santiago region.
Getty Images
The current record was 2,620 participants
However, the goal was to gather a group of at least 3,000 participants to break the current record, held by Russia, where a human bicycle of 2,620 people was formed in front of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow in 2019.
Getty Images
Images of the "human" bike
The record-breaking human bike
Getty Images
Images of the "human" bike
The record-breaking human bike
Getty Images
Images of the "human" bike
The record-breaking human bike
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