Firefighters rescue a dog that ended up in a river with a helicopter

From Italy comes this moving story with a happy ending involving a German shepherd. The dog, on 1 May, had ended up in the rapids of a river made thick by bad weather. He was rescued, after his owner's call for help, by a helicopter of the fire brigade, which took more than an hour to recover the animal and snatch him from the force of the torrent.

The pictures on the web testifying to the rescue went viral. The dog is doing well, is in good health and has already been reunited with its owner.
Italy, firefighters rescue a dog that ended up in a river with....a helicopter
From Italy comes this moving story with a happy ending involving a German shepherd. The dog, on 1 May, had ended up in the rapids of a river made thick by bad weather. He was rescued, after his owner's request for help, by a helicopter of the fire brigade, which took more than an hour to recover the animal and snatch him from the force of the torrent. The pictures on the web testifying to the rescue went viral. The dog is doing well, is in good health and has already been reunited with its owner.
Dog rescued in Turin: from Italy the story with a happy ending
A German shepherd was rescued by the fire brigade with the help of a helicopter. The animal had wandered away from its owner's sight and ended up in the Stura river. All this happened on the morning of 1 May, in the Caselle area, at the river rapids.
Difficulty of rescue efforts due to bad weather
Rescue operations were very complicated because of the bad weather, with the river becoming very swollen. This was because several millimetres of rain had fallen in the area over the past few days, which had swollen and agitated the river. Moreover, the point where the dog ended up in the water, found from above thanks to the helicopter, was the rapids at Caselle.
Rescued thanks to volunteers and firefighters
The rescue operation lasted more than an hour and required the intervention of the Drago 51 helicopter. The helicopter was essential both to locate the dog in the middle of the rapids and to rescue it. The rapids and the swollen river would have posed a huge risk to the rescuers.
The dog is fine
Beautiful pictures, published on the fire brigade's website, show the reunion of the animal with its owner, who was the first to raise the alarm. The animal, a German shepherd, is doing well and has not suffered any consequences. A story with a happy ending in a 1 May characterised by much controversy in Italy (and terrifying public clashes in France). We like it.
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