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Kim Jong-un's military parade is a riot of weapons and fireworks, photos

North Korea held its grand military parade this evening to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army (Kpa) amid fireworks and war fighter evolutions.This was reported by Seoul media. The event was presided over by leader Kim Jong-un amid choreographed evolutions to flaunt the military might of the hermit state and to promote national unity.

At around 8:30 p.m. local time (12:30 p.m. in Italy), a preliminary event was held in Kim Il-sung Square lit brightly by lights and fireworks.

photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
North Korea held its grand military parade on the evening of Feb. 8 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Army (Kpa) amid fireworks and fighter jet warfare evolutions, Seoul media reported. The event was presided over by leader Kim Jong-un amid choreographed evolutions to flaunt the hermit state's military might and promote national unity. Since Kim took power after his father's death in late 2011, 13 military parades have been held so far.
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
photo Ansa
North Korea celebrates 75 years of the Korean People's Army (Kpa)
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