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SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched carrying 21 Starlink satellites, photos

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying 21 second-generation Starlink satellites is launched from Space Launch Complex 40 at Kennedy Space Center of NASA, at Cocoa Beach, in Florida.

Dozens of people decided to watch the launch and enjoy the show.

The rocket carries upgraded Starlink V2 Mini Mini satellites to be deployed in a 230-mile high orbit.

Getty Images
Launched a SpaceX Falcon9 rocket 
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying 21 second-generation Starlink satellites is launched from Space Launch Complex 40 at Kennedy Space Center of NASA, at Cocoa Beach, in Florida.
Getty Images
Sending Starlink V2 mini satellites 
The rocket carries upgraded Starlink V2 Mini satellites to be deployed in a 230-mile high orbit.
Getty Images
People attending the launch
Dozens of people decided to attend the launch and enjoy the show.
Getty Images
People watch the rocket launch
Many people decided to attend the rocket launch.
Getty Images
People attending the launch
Dozens of people watch the SpaceX Falcon9 rocket launch.
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