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The scientist who challenges the sea: 100 days underwater, his body changes by 20 percent

American scientist Joseph Dituri is about to break the record for the longest time he has lived underwater in a 100-square-metre capsule at a depth of six metres in the Atlantic Ocean. 

The experiment aims to study the impact of a pressurised environment on the human body over the long term. In a live social broadcast, Dituri claimed to have slowed the ageing of his body by 20 per cent.

All thanks to the pressure he is subjected to, which is similar to that of hyperbaric chambers, where cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism improve, resulting in enhanced cognitive, physical and sleep functions.

photo video youtube @project nature
100 days underwater as a goal
American scientist Joseph Dituri has almost achieved his goal of living underwater for 100 days, breaking the previous record of 73 days. Living in a 100-square-metre capsule about six metres deep in the Atlantic Ocean (in a Florida lagoon), Dituri aims to study the impact of a pressurised environment on the human body over the long term.
photo video youtube @project nature
Social media updates
Dituri uses his social media accounts to keep his fans informed about the progress of the experiment and the results of health tests conducted on his body. In a live social stream she revealed that she slowed down the ageing of her body by 20 per cent and had 20 per cent longer telomeres, up to 10 times more stem cells and halved inflammatory markers. In addition, his cholesterol dropped by 72 points.
photo video youtube @project nature
The impact of pressure
The pressure Dituri is subjected to in the underwater capsule is similar to that in hyperbaric chambers. These chambers can improve cerebral blood flow, brain metabolism and brain microstructure, resulting in enhanced cognitive, physical and sleep functions. The pressure could therefore be the cause of the positive changes in Dituri's health.
photo video youtube @project nature
Dr. Deep Sea
Dituri is better known as Dr Deep Sea for his extensive experience in underwater exploration and underwater medicine. Retired as an officer in the US Navy, he is the director of the International Board of Undersea Medicine (IBUM). His experience and commitment to underwater medicine make him an ideal candidate for this experiment.
photo video youtube @project nature
An experiment not to be underestimated
Joseph Dituri has already shattered the previous record for living underwater and is on the verge of achieving his goal of living underwater for 100 days. His experience and the pressure he is under could be the reason for the positive changes in his health. The constant update on social media gives his fans a unique opportunity to follow the experiment and the impact of the pressurised environment on the human body in the long term.
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