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Thailand's kite festival spectacle, photos

From Feb. 24 to 28 in the Thai city of Pattaya takes place Pattaya International Kite on The Beach.

Lots of kites, colorful and of different sizes, fly in the sky, fascinating thousands of tourists who arrive to enjoy this spectacle. It is a spectacle that continues even after sunset, as many kites are equipped with LED lights that illuminate the sky.

Although the kite festival is completely free of charge, the event is able to generate an income of more than $4 million, a valuable aid to the local economy.

Thailand's kite festival
From February 24 to 28 in the Thai city of Pattaya takes place the Pattaya International Kite on The Beach.
A unique show
Lots of kites, colorful and of different sizes, fly in the sky, fascinating thousands of tourists who come to enjoy this spectacle.
Entertainment even after sunset
A spectacle that continues even after sunset, as many kites are equipped with LED lights that illuminate the sky.
A free but favorable event for the local economy
Although the kite festival is entirely free of charge, the event is able to generate more than $4 million in revenue, a valuable aid to the local economy.
Tourists flock to participate in the event
The economic impact of the kite festival is mainly due to the flow of tourists who book hotels, frequent restaurants, and buy souvenirs in local stores.
A carnival-related event
The Pattaya International Kite on The Beach is an event held in conjunction with carnival celebrations.
Some kites reach truly remarkable sizes. It is, however, an overall unique spectacle.
A boost for tourism
After the pandemic years, events such as the kite festival are highly anticipated by the Thai people, whose economy depends heavily on international tourism.
Picnic on the beach... among kites
Those who take part in the kite festival like to spend time on the beach, perhaps even having a picnic.
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