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She buys a used sofa and inside finds a beautiful surprise

After buying a used sofa, a woman was surprised by a dog "hiding" inside the piece of furniture. It happened in Brazil, in Joinville, in the north of Santa Catarina. A peculiar story with a happy ending: Soraya Gomes Garcia, the buyer of the sofa, decided to adopt the small pet.

Telling the story on social media is "Action Front for Animal Rights (Frada)." "Someone bought a used sofa and the dog came as a gift inside the sofa itself. Unbelievable, but that's exactly what happened."

photo instagram @sorayamongagua
A story with a happy ending
This is the story of Mel, a dog who popped out of a used sofa and was bought by a woman without her knowing of the animal's presence.
photo instagram @sorayamongagua
We are in Brazil
It happened in Brazil, at Joinville, in the north of Santa Catarina. The case was described by the nonprofit organization "Action Front for Animal Rights (FRADA)," based right at Joinville, Santa Catarina.
photo instagram @sorayamongagua
The protagonist
Soraya Gomes Garcia, the purchaser of the sofa, decided to adopt the small pet.
photo instagram @sorayamongagua
Assumptions about the incident
According to the association, no one knows how the dog ended up inside the couch, but the hypothesis that it was someone who stuffed the animal in there shines through in the words of the volunteers, "Human beings are always more daring and cruel. However, we don't know what happened."
photo instagram @sorayamongagua
Why is it called Mel
The dog is 7 months old and as anticipated is named Mel. The choice of name comes from with an old domestic dog that Soraya owned who died two years ago. It had the same name.
photo instagram @sorayamongagua
The words of Soraya
"I'm too happy that she has come into my life," says the woman who named her Mel, in honor of the family's former pet dog who died about two years ago, "She has her  same eyes.
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