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Europe's largest solar power plant in Turkey ready, photos

The Kalyon PV Karapinar solar power plant in Konya, Turkey, is the largest solar power plant in Europe and one of the largest in the world. 

It covers 20 million square metres, the equivalent of 2,600 football pitches, and its construction began in 2020 in the Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA) of Karapinar. 

Once completed, its 3.5 million panels are expected to produce a combined power of 1,350 MW to meet the domestic energy demand of two million people. Until 2023, Turkey will invest USD 30 billion in renewable energy, especially solar and wind power. In Turkey, 17 companies produce domestic solar panels.

Europe's largest solar power plant
The Kalyon PV Karapinar solar power plant in Konya, Turkey, is the largest solar power plant in Europe and one of the largest in the world.
The extension of the solar power plant
The solar power plant covers 20 million square metres, the equivalent of 2600 football pitches, and its construction began in 2020 in the Renewable Energy Resource Area (YEKA) of Karapinar.
The power
When completed, its 3.5 million panels are expected to produce a combined power output of 1,350 MW to meet the household energy demand of two million people.
What will it be used for
The system, consisting of 75,000 solar panels, will meet the needs of 20,000 homes.
Turkey's investment
Until 2023, Turkey will invest USD 30 billion in renewable energy, in particular solar and wind power. In Turkey, 17 companies produce domestic solar panels.
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