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UK: oil rig accident: 200 barrels of oil spills into waters

The whole United Kingdom is concerned about an oil leak that occurred on the night between Sunday and Monday in the country's largest onshore oil field. This pipeline is said to be operated by the company Perenco, under Owers Bay in south-east England. The 'limited' leak, according to the company, was located at the Wytch Farm facility in Purbeck, Dorset.

The company's note reported how a 'minimal amount of oil' ended up in the surrounding waters. The British newspaper Telegraph calculated this spill at about 200 barrels of oil. The local authorities also issued an announcement advising people not to swim in the area of Poole Harbour.

The pictures show the huge black spot in the area and workers trying to solve the problem as soon as possible.

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UK: oil rig accident, 200 barrels of oil spill into waters
The whole  United Kingdom is concerned about an oil leak that occurred on the night between Sunday and Monday in the country's largest onshore oil field. This pipeline is said to be operated by the company Perenco, under Owers Bay in south-east England. The 'limited' leak, according to the company, was located at the Wytch Farm facility in Purbeck, Dorset. The company's note reported how a 'minimal amount of oil' ended up in the surrounding waters. The British newspaper Telegraph calculated this spill at about 200 barrels of oil. The local authorities also issued an announcement advising people not to swim or swim in the area of Poole Harbour. The pictures show the huge black spot in the area and workers trying to solve the problem as soon as possible.
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UK: oil rig accident, 200 barrels of oil spill into waters
Port of Poole commissioners (PHC) said Sunday there was a leak in a pipeline operated by Perenco, under Owers Bay.
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UK: oil rig accident, 200 barrels of oil spill into waters
The leak comes from the Wytch Farm facility at Purbecks, one of the largest oil fields onshore in Europe.
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UK: oil rig accident, 200 barrels of oil spill into waters
200 barrels of tank fluid, including oil, some 32,000 litres, ended up in Poole harbour and a 'clean-up operation' is underway. The substance was a dilution of 15 parts oil to 85 parts crude oil.
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UK: oil rig accident, 200 barrels of oil spill into waters
British authorities have already called for a state of emergency, and urged citizens not to swim or approach the water in the area until further notice.
Getty Images
UK: oil rig accident, 200 barrels of oil spill into waters
Philip Broadhead, the leader of the Council of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, said, at Sky News: "As leader of the council, I, along with the other members, will work to see what implications this loss may have and what actions we may need to take. Of course it is extremely unfortunate to hear about this event, and while there will be a time for anger and investigation, our goal now must be to mitigate any impact of this situation."
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