Rome, environmentalists smearing the façade of the Senate with paint

New blitz of the environmentalists of 'Last generation' in Rome. This morning shortly before 8 am some militants sprayed red paint on the façade of the Senate, smearing the door and some windows of Palazzo Madama.

Five people were accompanied to the police headquarters in Rome to be identified and their position is being examined. The investigations are carried out by the Digos of Rome and the carabinieri.

At the base of the gesture the desperation that derives from the succession of statistics and increasingly alarming data on the eco-climatic collapse, now already begun, and the disinterest of the political world.

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Protest against the disinterest of the political world
A blitz by environmentalists of 'Ultima generazione' in Rome. This morning shortly before 8 o'clock some militants threw orange paint on the façade of the Senate building, smearing the door and some windows of palazzo Madama.
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Action immediately blocked.
The carabinieri of the vigilance intervened on the spot and blocked the demonstrators in flagrante delicto. Five people were detained by the military. The smeared area of the palace is quite extensive.
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The protest of the activists
At the base of the gesture the desperation that derives from the succession of statistics and increasingly alarming data on the eco-climatic collapse, as written in the statement of the activists.
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The reply of the institutions
"No alibi, no justification for an act that offends all institutions and that only thanks to the cold blood of the carabinieri has not transcended into violence", said the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, commenting on the action of environmentalists.
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A gesture also rejected by the Minister of the Environment
The Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, also condemns: "I would like to remind anyone who smears works of art all over the world in the belief that they are sending a message in favor of protecting the environment, that the fight against climate change is at the center of the concerns of governments around the world".
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