Alert level rises for Mexican volcano that is also putting aviation at risk. Photo

Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano has increased its activity and forced the authorities to raise the alert level to one step below red.

The volcano is emitting glowing materials, ash and smoke that are spewing into the sky and putting aviation and communities further away from where the volcano is located at risk.

The increased alert level was decided after two airports in Mexico City temporarily halted operations due to the copious ash fall.

Getty Images
Rising alert for increased activity of Mexican volcano Popocatepetl
Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano has increased its activity and forced the authorities to raise the alert level to one step below red. The volcano is emitting glowing materials, ash and smoke that are spewing into the sky and putting aviation and communities further away from where the volcano is located at risk. The increased alert level was decided after two airports in Mexico City temporarily halted operations due to the copious ash fall.
Getty Images
Rising alert for increased activity of Mexican volcano Popocatepetl
Images of the Popocatepetl volcano in activity.
Getty Images
Rising alert for increased activity of Mexican volcano Popocatepetl
Images of the Popocatepetl volcano in activity.
Getty Images
Rising alert for increased activity of Mexican volcano Popocatepetl
Images of the Popocatepetl volcano in activity.
Getty Images
Rising alert for increased activity of Mexican volcano Popocatepetl
Images of the Popocatepetl volcano in activity.
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