Leeches used against pain and to heal skin in India, photos

Along the streets of some cities in India, leeches are used to treat pain or skin disorders.

This therapy has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine. Leeches are mainly used as a treatment that can help heal skin grafts and restore blood circulation.

During the therapy, the leeches are placed on the person's skin so that they can suck blood and release saliva, inside of which are anticoagulants and other compounds considered therapeutic.

The therapeutic use of leeches in India
Along the streets of some cities in India, leeches are used to treat pain or skin disorders.
What are leeches used for
This therapy has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine. Leeches are mainly used as a treatment that can help heal skin grafts and restore blood circulation.
How they are used
During therapy, leeches are placed on people's skin so that they can suck blood and release saliva, within which are anticoagulants and other compounds deemed therapeutic.
Therapeutic purpose rehabilitated in 2005 in India
The use of leeches for therapeutic purposes has been rehabilitated in India since 2005. The Indian Ministry of Health has recognised the validity of bloodletting in the treatment of a range of ailments from arthritis to haematoma.
The origin of therapeutic use
The use of leeches for therapeutic purposes is a traditional practice of Greco-Arabic origin, widespread in South Asia and the Middle East.
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