Amazing asteroid exploded as it hurtled through Earth's atmosphere

An asteroid lit up the night sky over the " English Channel" after entering Earth's atmosphere in the early morning hours. At 03:59 tonight, thousands of people spotted it in southern England, northern France and also in Belgium and the Netherlands.

It is the 7th asteroid in history to be reported by the Space Meteor Prediction System that had been first detected last night, about 8 hours in advance.

The asteroid, named 2023 CX1, was a meter-sized object.

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A surprising scenario
An asteroid lit up the night sky over the "English Channel" (between France and England) after entering Earth's atmosphere in the early morning hours.
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A visible spectacle
It was 03:59 this night when thousands of people spotted it in southern England, northern France, and also in Belgium and the Netherlands.
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It was all planned
It is the 7th asteroid in history to be reported by the Space Meteor Prediction System that had been detected for the first time last night, about 8 hours in advance.
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The asteroid already had a name
The asteroid, named 2023 CX1, was a meter-sized object: it exploded with a huge final flash, which lit up the atmosphere brightly as it disintegrated in the atmosphere.
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The most documented?
Given the location of the exploded asteroid over a densely populated area, it could become the most documented in history by the public and astronomers.
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