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Tragedy in Kentucky, in-flight collision between two military Blackhawk helicopters

Two military HH60 Blackhawk helicopters crashed to the ground overnight in Kentucky's Trigg county (USA) causing (according to local news reports picked up by the BBC) "up to 9 deaths."

The two aircraft crashed while carrying out a routine training mission. The incident was reported to the BBC by a spokesman for the military base in Fort Campbell.

The helicopters involved in the crash belong to the 101st "Airborne Division."

photo Ansa/twitter @AmRaadPSF
A terrible in-flight accident
An aircraft accident involving two military HH60 Blackhawk helicopters of the 101st "Airborne Division" occurred in the county of Trigg, Kentucky, United States. The accident occurred around 9:35 p.m. (local time) on March 29, during a routine training mission. At the time of the statement, the number of casualties had not been confirmed, but there are believed to be at least nine deaths. A spokesman for the military base in Fort Campbell issued a statement on the tragedy, saying the command is focusing on caring for the servicemen and assisting their families.
photo Ansa
A loud roar and two explosions
A witness living about a mile from the crash site said he heard a loud roar and then two explosions. The jailer from the county of Trigg, James Hughes, who lives about half a mile away, also confirmed hearing an initial collision-like noise, followed by two distinct roars. These events suggest that the two in-flight collisions were violent and may have caused serious damage to the two helicopters.
photo twitter @AmRaadPSF
The intervention of the fire brigade
Firefighters from East Golden Pond responded to the scene of the accident to extinguish the fires from the two helicopters. The helicopters were completely destroyed due to the impact and explosions that followed. Although firefighters managed to put out the fires, they could do nothing to save the people involved in the accident.
photo Ansa
Investigation team at work
After the accident, an investigation team was assigned to investigate the dynamics and causes of the accident. The investigation is expected to last several days or even weeks. The outcome of the investigation will determine whether there were human errors or technical problems on the two helicopters that caused the accident. The investigation could also reveal whether the routine training that the military was conducting was carried out properly.
photo Ansa
Unidentified victims
At the time of the statement, the identities of the victims had not yet been revealed. There are believed to be at least nine victims, but the exact number of people involved and their health status have not yet been confirmed. The entire local community has been shaken by the incident, and it is expected that there will be further updates on the situation in the coming hours and days.
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