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Brutalism: ten iconic buildings scattered around the world

Brutalism is an architectural movement that emerged in the 1950s, which no longer favors the pure lines of the Modern Movement, but a thinking that moves toward the ethics of aesthetics, which meets spontaneity and desired roughness as a manifesto of a straightforward functionalism without rhetoric.

This style of architecture uses "Beton Brut", i.e., exposed reinforced concrete, the hallmark of this style. It is an architecture alien to any intellectualism, speaking to the masses whose needs it interprets, especially in its conception of civic and community architecture.

We now take you around the world to see some examples of this Brutalism, one of the world's most powerful artistic expressions.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/belisario/ – Wikipedia.org
Geisel Library (USA)
This building is torn between the powerful vigor of Brutalism and the skyward tension of Futurism. It gives the impression of being a spaceship landed in California, specifically in San Diego.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidorban/ - Wikipedia.org
Tower Velasca (Italy)
Located on Corso di Porta Romana in Milan, built in the second half in the 1950s. It represents the will of the Milanese city to stand out against the sky after the devastation of the war.
UnpetitproleX - Wikipedia.org
Palace of Assemblies (India)
Located in Chandigarth, in a city of over a million people, it is a masterpiece of Brutalism. It was designed by Le Corbusier to celebrate the new capital of Punjab.
Andy Wright - Wikipedia.org
Unité d'habitation de Marseille (France)
This building was designed to house Marseillais in the immediate postwar period. Although from the outside it looks like a dehumanizing mega-building, much emphasis was placed in the design on the importance of common spaces and individual dwellings. A true micro-world, with supermarkets, swimming pool, laundry, game room, and more.
Wladyslaw – Wikipedia.org
Habitat 67 (Canada)
Presented at the 1967 Expo in Montreal , it was an attempt to combine prefabricated housing technology with the need for low-cost and still visually interesting housing units.
Carlos Delgado - Wikipedia.org
Royal National Theatre (UK)
This now historic London theater was built to be as harmonious as possible with its entire surroundings. The strong contrast between horizontal and vertical elements makes it something almost unique.
Gunnar Klack – Wikipedia.org
Government service center (USA)
Built by architect Paul Rudolph. It is one of the main components of the Government Center complex in downtown Boston. The complex consists of two connected Brutalist buildings: the Charles F. Hurley Building and'Erich Lindemann Building, as well as a courtyard; sometimes included is the newer Edward W. Brooke Courthouse, built in 1998.
さかおり – Wikiedia.org
Yamanashi broadcasting and press centre (Japan)
The initial idea of the project was for a mega facility that could be expanded as needed.
Wilfredor - Wikipedia.org
Museu de arte de Sao Paolo (Brazil)
Located in the heart of the Brazilian city, the relative simplicity of its forms is a typical example of Brutalist architecture.
Janericloebe - Wikipedia.org
Bartningallee 7 (Germany)
Located in Berlin, the use of primary colors red blue and yellow alleviates the heavy gray of the facades. It is one of the most classic examples of Brutalist architecture.
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