Images of the devastating tornado that struck Mississippi

Images of the devastating tornado that hit the state of Mississippi (United States) and reportedly claimed at least 26 lives.

The powerful weather phenomenon traveled more than 100 miles (60 kilometers) and affected several towns along the way.

Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images of the devastating tornado that hit the state of Mississippi (United States) and reportedly claimed at least 26 lives.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
The powerful atmospheric phenomenon covered more than 100 miles (60 kilometers) and affected several cities along the way.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
Getty Images
The devastating tornado that hit Mississippi, photos
Images from cities affected by the tornando.
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