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Dream discovery: Australian amateur finds 150,000 gold nugget

An Australian man passionate about gold research has discovered a nugget worth 150,000 euros (240,000 A$, source 9news.com.au) using a cheap metal detector. The discovery took place in the "Golden Triangle" of Victoria, an area rich in gold between Ballarat, Bendigo and St Arnaud.

The anonymous man found a stone over 4.5 kg covered with gold near a stream. Taking part of the rock to a specialty store in Geelong, south Melbourne, he was informed of its enormous value.

Darren Kamp, the expert who assessed and bought the nugget, said it was a once-in-a-lifetime discovery, never seen in his 43-year career.

photo by Darren Kamp
The discovery of a lifetime
An Australian man passionate about finding gold in old abandoned deposits has made the discovery of a lifetime. A gold nugget worth 150,000 euros (240,000 A$, source 9news.com.au). Thanks to his cheap metal detector, the man found a rock of over 4.5 kg during the inspection of an area in the "Golden Triangle" of Victoria, between Ballarat, Bendigo and St Arnaud (Australia).
photo by Darren Kamp
The Victoria Golden Triangle
The so-called "Golden Triangle" of Victoria is a vast area in Australia, considered an open-pit gold mine and the heart of the gold rush since the 1800s. The area stretches precisely between the towns of Ballarat, Bendigo and St Arnaud.
photo by Darren Kamp
The evaluation of the nugget
Curious to know how much the rock he found was worth, the man, who preferred to remain anonymous, took part of the rock to a specialty store in Geelong, south of Melbourne. The shopkeeper, Darren Kamp, appraised the specimen and informed him of its enormous value. Kamp said it was a once-in-a-lifetime find.
photo by Darren Kamp
A film-like find
The anonymous seeker went to Kamp's shop with a bulky rucksack. Kamp, who usually receives stones that look like gold but are not, or small rock fragments, was amazed when he saw the nugget containing 2.6 kg of gold. The man later revealed that his wife would have been very happy as she had only brought half of the rock, leaving the other half at home.
photo by Darren Kamp
An outstanding amateur discovery
Darren Kamp (pictured), an expert in the gold industry for 43 years, said the nugget found by man is the largest specimen he has ever seen. Although large specimens are found by large companies underground, it is almost impossible to find one this large with an amateur detector. According to Kamp, this is a life-changing specimen.
photo by Darren Kamp
Largest gold nugget found
Although discoveries like this are rare, Australia is estimated to have the largest gold reserves in the world, and many of the largest nuggets have been found on this continent. The world's largest gold nugget was found on February 5, 1869 at Victoria, Australia, and weighed 72 kilograms.
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