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US: new unidentified aerial object shot down, tension with China continues

After the Chinese spy balloon, and the unidentified object in Alaska, the U.S. has released a new suspicious sighting in North American skies. It is "an unidentified aerial object" that flew high over northern Canada.

It is unclear what object it is or whether it is related to the Chinese spy-balloon to another unidentified object shot down over Alaska on Friday.

But the unidentified object shot down over northern Canada at Yukon also "had a cylindrical shape," like the one neutralized Friday at Alaska.

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Another Chinese spy ball? It would be the third
The U.S. has released a new suspicious sighting in North American skies. Another unidentified object, cylindrical in shape like the one spotted Friday in Alaska, was shot down yesterday in the skies over northern Canada. It is unclear what object it is or whether it is related to the "Chinese" spy balloon, the first one shot down.
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Canadian premier's speech Trudeau
The incident was later also confirmed by the Canadian premier Justin Trudeau. Trudeau disclosed on Twitter that he had ordered the shooting down of the unidentified object over Yukon, after it had violated Canadian airspace. It was successfully hit by an American F22.
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It had a cylindrical shape
The unidentified object shot down in northern Canada at Yukon, also "had a cylindrical shape," like the one neutralized Friday at Alaska. However, the object was smaller than the Chinese spy balloon shot down by the Pentagon off the coast of South Carolina (the first) and flew at an altitude of 40 thousand feet (12 thousand meters).
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Closed airspace over Montana (USA)
After the downing in Canada, airspace over part of the western U.S. state of Montana was temporarily closed due to the suspected presence of another unidentified object in the sky. However, the Pentagon let it be known that a "radar anomaly" was simply detected.
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Retaliation against Beijing's ball-spy
Washington meanwhile imposes the first retaliation against the Chinese spy-balloon. The administration Biden has added six Chinese aerospace companies to a commercial blacklist , banning U.S. companies from doing business with them unless they receive a special license.
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