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Tree collapses on railway tracks, train derails causing injuries among passengers

A train derailed last night on the Metlika-Ljubljana railway line in the municipality of Novo Mesto (Slovenia) due to fallen trees.

The accident occurred between Birčna vas and Uršna sela stations at 9:25 p.m. due to a fallen tree that was outside the track lane and fell on the railway line. On the train were seven passengers, a driver and two conductors. Five passengers required medical treatment due to injuries, but last night they were all discharged to home care.

The Administration for Protection and Rescue has announced that the first car of the truck is derailed due to a fallen oak tree.

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We are in Slovenia
A train derailed last Tuesday evening (about 9.15pm) on the Metlika-Ljubljana railway line in the municipality of Novo Mesto (Slovenia) due to fallen trees on the tracks. 
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Minor injuries
On the train there were seven passengers, a train driver and two conductors. Five passengers required medical treatment due to obvious injuries, but were all discharged with home care. 
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Only the first overturned wagon
The Administration for Protection and Rescue has announced that the first car of the truck has derailed due to a fallen oak tree, with all the branches running aground in the wheels of the train. Firefighters from Novi Mesto, Šmihel and Stranska Vas inspected the scene of the accident and entered the overturned wagon with technical intervention. 
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Difficult weather conditions
The company SŽ-Infrastruktu confirmed that on the Metlika-Lubiana railway line, tree branches invading the tracks are regularly removed. That particular point runs through a forest area. Due to the difficult weather conditions, however, this check was not carried out on the day the accident occurred.
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The fallen tree belonged to a private individual
The oak tree collapsed on the tracks was on private land. "The law states that every private owner of land in the area where there are tracks must also ensure that his property does not cause accidents to rail traffic," the director of the SŽ-Infrastruktur Matjaž Kranjc
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