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Brazilian replica of Rome's Trevi fountain: tourists, coins and controversy

The replica of Rome's Trevi fountain was recently inaugurated at Serra Negra in Brazil, amidst controversy and tourists already visiting it. 

The fountain, which replicates the 18th century original commissioned by Pope Clement XII, is smaller in size but has a very similar mirror of water and is fed by jets of thermal water. The statues were made of silicone and plaster prints and covered with fibreglass, causing controversy due to tourists' habit of throwing coins into the water. 

The fountain, which cost about 300,000 euro and was lit with 40 LED projectors, was created to pay homage to Italian migrants and boost tourism, generating jobs and income.

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A tourism novelty
The replica of Rome's Trevi fountain, located in Brazil near Serra Negra, was inaugurated recently but is already attracting the attention of tourists. The fountain was built following the original created in the 18th century by Pope Clement XII to revive an aqueduct from the Roman era.
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Similar to the original
Although the dimensions are reduced compared to the original, standing 11 metres high as opposed to 26 from the original in Rome, the replica's water mirror is very similar, at 20.7 metres wide, fed by nine thermal water jets. The workmanship of the statues, however, is completely different from the original, having been made from silicone and plaster prints and covered with fibreglass.
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First controversy over coin toss
Like the original work, the Brazilian replica also sees tourists throwing coins into the pool of water. This has led to several controversies on the web, accusing the fountain's operators of trying to make money from tourists' coins.
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A project to benefit Italian migrants and tourism
The creators of the Brazilian work claimed that the fountain was created to pay tribute to Italian migrants and boost tourism. Despite criticism of the coin toss, the Brazilian builders are convinced that the fountain will attract tourists and generate income and jobs.
photo Ansa
The lighting of the fountain and the cost of the work
The replica of the Trevi fountain in Brazil was illuminated with 40 LED projectors and cost around 300,000 euros. Despite the high price, the creators of the work are optimistic about the attraction's tourism potential, due to its similarity to the original and the beauty of its surroundings.
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