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Pangeos, the turtle-shaped yacht is a real floating city

A floating city capable of transporting 60,000 people and traveling constantly throughout the seas, deriving from renewable sources the energy necessary for its operation is the new project by Pierpaolo Lazzarini. We are talking about Pangeos, currently only a concept for an extra-luxury gigayacht. Its realization will require eight billion dollars and eight years of work.

Inspired by the maxi continent originally found on the Planet, Pangeos measures 550 meters long by 610 meters at its widest point.

It incorporates within it shopping centers, residences, parks, hotels, as well as sea and air ports to keep the floating city connected to the mainland.

photo Lazzarini Design
An Italian project
A floating city capable of carrying 60,000 people and traveling constantly throughout the seas. It is called Pangeos and is called a "terayacht". It is in fact twice the size of the Colosseum in Rome. The first astonishing thing about the terayacht Pangeos is its shape. It looks like a giant turtle sailing through the sea.
photo Lazzarini Design
So far only a concept
Pangeos at the moment it is only a concept. An extra-luxury gigayacht designed by the Italian designer Pierpaolo Lazzarini . Eight billion dollars and eight years of work will be required for its realization.
photo Lazzarini Design
An authentic city by the sea
Inspired by the maxi continent originally found on the Planet, Pangeos measures 550 meters long by 610 meters at its widest point.
photo Lazzarini Design
It's like living in a city neighborhood
Pangeos incorporates within it shopping centers, residences, parks, hotels, as well as sea and air ports to keep the floating city connected to the mainland.
photo Lazzarini Design
Slow as a real turtle
Enabling the turtle to move will be nine HTS motors, six in the front (three on each fin) and three in the rear (fins and tail) all electric and capable of delivering 16,800 horsepower for 5-knot sailing.
photo Lazzarini Design
What about energy?
The energy required for their operation will be derived from solar panels covering almost the entire structure and from fins equipped with systems that can derive electricity from wave motion. At the bottom, the yacht houses 30,000 cells or compartments in clusters, providing an unsinkable solution built mostly of steel.
photo Lazzarini Design
Work in progress
At the moment, designer Lazzarini is looking for funders, while launching a fundraiser in crowdfunding and a sale of virtual spaces that can be purchased in NTF (Non-Fungible Token) which, once realized Pangeos, will become real spaces.
photo Lazzarini Design
The site of the construction
Pierpaolo Lazzarini has put online the extremely detailed blueprint of Pangeos indicating also the ideal place where to erect a temporary shipyard as massive as the yacht it is supposed to build; the chosen area would be in Saudi Arabia precisely in the district of King Abdullah.
photo Lazzarini Design
Important details
It will be necessary to build a seawall close to the beach to accommodate the construction site, and once the ground has dried, excavation could be carried out to prepare the buried area. After construction is completed, the seawall would be opened, letting the sea in and putting the turtle in the water.
photo Lazzarini Design
Breaking records
Pangeos has the ambition to become, if realized, the world's largest floating structure ever built.
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