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'Toxic' aircraft carrier sunk in Atlantic, farewell to Foch

The Brazilian navy has announced that it has sunk the former French aircraft carrier Foch, full of asbestos, paint and other toxic waste, in the Atlantic Ocean. A decision criticized by several environmental organizations.

"The planned and controlled sinking took place late Friday afternoon" about 350 km off the Brazilian coast, in an area where the water depth is "about 5,000 meters," a statement read.

The aircraft carrier Foch (R 99) was a French warship belonging to the Clemenceau. She was the second warship named in honor of Marshal Ferdinand Foch.

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Farewell to the Foch
The Brazilian Navy has announced that it has sunk the former French aircraft carrier Foch in the Atlantic Ocean. "The planned and controlled sinking occurred late Friday afternoon about 350 kilometers off the Brazilian coast, in an area where the water depth is about 5,000 meters," according to a statement.
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The history of Foch in brief
The aircraft carrier Foch (R 99) was a French warship belonging to Clemenceau. She was the second warship named in honor of Marshal Ferdinand Foch. Construction of Foch was completed on July 15, 1963 at Brest (France). After a 37-year career in the French Navy, the ship was sold on November 15, 2000 to the Brazilian Navy, and renamed São Paulo.
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A "toxic" giant
A failed purchase, as the ship's structure was composed of asbestos (9.6 tons), toxic paints, heavy metals and oils, dioxins and hazardous nuclear contaminants (a total of another 644 tons). That is why it was supposed to be dismantled and, instead, it was imploded at the edge of the "Exclusive Economic Zone."
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The decision to sink it
Earlier in the week it was felt they had no other choice given the dilapidated state of the old 266-meter-long aircraft carrier. Described as a "30,000-ton toxic parcel" by the association Robin des Bois. The sinking of Foch was deemed inevitable. And if left unchecked, it would have endangered not only the ocean but also the lives of the crew of the Dutch tug pulling the aircraft carrier.
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The alarm raised by Brazilian authorities
Brazil had attempted to solve the problem of the contaminated ship. The Turkish shipyard Sok Denizcilik in 2021 had obtained transport permission from the authorities in Ankara to dismantle the vessel. However, when the news was discovered by the environmental organization Izmir Yasham Alanlari, it issued a very harsh statement, "The ship that is coming to Izmir is a black coffin, loaded with death, destruction, pain and trouble. According to Article 13 of our environmental law, the import of hazardous waste is prohibited." No dice.
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Environmentalists' anger
Ecologist Non-Governmental Organizations Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd and Basel Action Network denounced "a violation of three international treaties" on the environment. This sinking will cause "incalculable" damage, with "impacts on marine life and coastal communities," they denounced in a joint statement.
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